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Video Tarot Course - with written manual.
Welcome to your Online Tarot Course (3:32)
Major Arcana
Module 1 (30:08)
Module 1 : Tarot Spread guidance (5:23)
Module 2 (17:41)
Module 2 : Tarot Spread guidance (1:30)
Module 3 (19:50)
Module 3 : Tarot Spread guidance (4:50)
The Court Cards
Module 4 (17:27)
Module 4 : Tarot Spread guidance (2:07)
Journey of the Fool
Module 5 (3:39)
Module 6 (11:53)
Module 6 : Tarot Spread guidance (2:03)
Module 7 (12:48)
Module 8 (13:08)
Module 8 : Tarot Spread guidance (4:56)
Meanings of the Symbols
Module 9 (17:56)
Future Readings
Module 10 (4:38)
Written tarot course with photos
1. Introduction to the Tarot Course
1a. Module 1 Major Arcana
2. Module 2 Major Arcana
3. Module 3 Cups
4. Module 4 Court Cards
5. Module 5 The Journey
6. Module 6 Wands
7. Module 7 Swords
8. Module 8 Pentacles
9. Module 9 Symbols of the Tarot
10. Module 10 Future readings
Teach online with
9. Module 9 Symbols of the Tarot
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